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Ecc(Sen)tric Philosophies

|| Just Sen Things ||

Digital Painting

We are so very kind to ourselves when we take the time to define sentient life, ascribing all manner of noble characteristics to the dubious privilege of being able to feel with complexity. Humanity is especially narcissistic in this area. We use the word "humane" to describe goodness, and compassion, as though our species is naturally so benevolent, when the truth is rooted in something far more simplistic... Something far less flattering.


Sentience is defined not by its goodness, or capacity for such, but by its ability to choose, and its willful ignorance, for never in nature will you find an animal that can stare down the barrel of its own demise, smile as though nothing is wrong with the world, and claim with absolute conviction that the barrel is in fact, not a barrel at all, but a "health canon" sent to bring them long life. 


One might even say that we are defined by our capacity for stupidity, and self deception.

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